18th May 2020

We arrived in our Muslim country less than a year ago and still feel so new here. The aid organisation we run with some other team members is tiny.

Even so, when our country went into lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic we began praying about how God might use us to love the people here during this uncertain time.

Now we’re blown away by how He has opened doors and connected us with the right people.

It started with a meeting with a local representative of an international aid organisation.

From there, opportunities quickly began opening before us. We found ourselves meeting with public health officials and leaders of the government’s COVID-19 task force. We also met with hospital managers and local manufacturers. In each meeting we shared our desire to support the country’s medical system and asked them what they needed.

“Everything,” they all responded. “We need everything.”


All we have done is offer to the Lord our willingness to do whatever He tells us to do.


In response, we’ve launched several new training projects that have been approved by health officials. These include COVID-19 training for hospital staff and public health workers. There’s a good chance we’ll be taking these trainings beyond our city to other parts of the country where Gospel witnesses have not been able to go.

In addition we’re spearheading other projects to support the government’s efforts to fight the spread of the coronavirus, such as making desperately needed PPE (personal protective equipment) and low-cost ventilators.

We also feel burdened for the struggling families most affected by the lockdown. As one of our friends here put it, “The coronavirus may not kill us, but hunger definitely will.”

Our team is responding by prayerfully making plans to distribute food packages to those most in need. Please pray that these families will see God’s tangible love for them as we serve in the name of Jesus Christ.

With all the doors God keeps opening before us we need wisdom beyond our years and our experience.

But in spite of our small capacity and the newness of some on our team to the field, God is using us for His glory.

We did nothing to create these opportunities and make these things happen. All we have done is offer our willingness to do whatever the Lord tells us to do. He has been doing everything. He will get all the glory.

  • Pray that workers will hear God’s voice, be led by the Holy Spirit in all they do, and not lose heart when they face hardships and obstacles.
  • Ask God to protect workers and guard their health as they support their communities and bless those who are suffering.
  • Pray not only that physical needs will be met as Frontiers teams serve—but that Muslims will find their deepest spiritual longings fulfilled in the Giver of Life.

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