9th Mar 2023

The vital work of feeding, clothing and housing continues for the millions affected by the earthquake in Southern Turkey and Syria. A number of Frontiers workers who live in the region are now giving their days to meeting some of these needs. Here’s what one of them recently wrote: 

We plan to continue visiting some of these people in the months and years ahead. It's not just the people's relatives, homes and businesses that have been killed or destroyed, it's their emotions, their hearts, their hope, their joy, their future that has been taken from them. 
When we drove to the city of Antakya (Antioch) the images we saw were like something out of an end of the world movie. We helped to empty the damaged home of a pastor and transport it to a guest apartment up the street-which was not damaged. This home is also a depot for huge piles of food and supplies which they will be handing out.  

When we got out of the car the first woman we saw was sweeping the dirt. Her husband, two children and two grandchildren were killed. Another young mother was sitting with her children under a plastic sheet; no home, no hot water, no electricity, and scarce food. She told me later, "Praise God - I still have my four children alive. I have nothing to complain about." 

I could not begin to write all the hopeful stories that the Lord Jesus is doing on the ground here - the gentle Shepherd of our souls giving tender care. We can be his listening ears and open hands as we give drinks of hot tea (its cold here) to weary, grieving hearts. 

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